Evaluation and Assessment
At Rochester University, Faculty Committee continues to review all Distance Education courses and continues to ensure that the educational program offered through distance education is appropriate for delivery through distance education methods.
The method of delivery for new courses becomes part of each curriculum proposal, to be reviewed under the normal curricular process.
At Rochester University, any significant change in the method of delivery for existing courses or programs must be submitted as a course change proposal, to be reviewed by the director of the distance education.
The academic review process by the committee continues to evaluate the educational effectiveness of Distance Education courses (including assessments of student based learning outcomes, student retention, and student satisfaction), and when appropriate, determine comparability to campus-based programs.This process continues to assure the conformity of Distance Education courses to prevailing quality standards in the field of distance education.
A review and approval of all distance education courses, including those initially approved by the director of Distance Education, begin immediately and conclude within two years of the implementation of this policy. This review follows the normal process specified in the policy file.
Rochester University continues to maintain clear standards for satisfactory academic progress.
Rochester University continues to ensure the completion of student evaluation of learning outcomes by duly qualified faculty, which are appropriate for use with the distance education methods used and evaluated by duly qualified faculty.