Explanation of Deposits and Fees
Application Fee
New students pay a small fee to cover the processing of their application.
Placement Test Fee
If you are a new student you are required to take a series of placement tests to help determine whether you are ready for college-level subjects such as the Bible, English writing, etc. This fee covers the cost of this testing.
Admission Fee (paid when admitted)
Registration Fee (paid once per quarter)
Student Fee (paid per quarter, for student activities)
Library Fee (per quarter; for library support)
Tuition Deposit and Late Tuition Deposit
This nonrefundable deposit is applicable to all students each quarter. It is due about one month before the start of the quarter— see the calendar in the front of this catalog for the exact dates.
If you do not pay this deposit on time, then a late tuition deposit fee is charged to your account.
Deferred Payment Plan
Tuition and fees are due in full at the start of each quarter. You may pay by cash, check, MasterCard, or Visa.
For more information on the payment schedule and deferred payment plan, please see the information on the payment schedule, later in this section.
Returned Check Charge
If you pay by check and your check is returned for any reason, we will charge back the amount of the check plus the returned check charge.
Late Registration Fee
On a designated date during the second half of each quarter, we conduct registration for the following quarter. You need to meet with your academic advisor, and then turn in your forms to the registrar. A student who does not make his/her appointments and properly submit all paperwork (including the textbook order form) for registration will be charged a late registration fee.
Exam Rescheduling Fee
All tests, including final exams, are to be taken according to the schedule given in your syllabus. In the event of extenuating circumstances, a professor may allow you to take a test early or late. If the professor permits you to reschedule the exam, you must pay the Business Office the Exam Rescheduling Fee.
Add/Drop Fee
If, after the start of the quarter, you realize that you need to drop a course or add another one, you may do so within one week of the start of the quarter. (See the calendar in the front of this catalog for the exact dates.) To add or drop a course before the deadline, complete a Change of Schedule form in the registrar’s office and pay the Add/Drop Fee for each course added or dropped.
Transcript Fee
Throughout your career you will occasionally need “official” copies of your transcript to be sent to employers or other colleges. Rochester University will send an official transcript upon your request and upon the receipt of the payment of the then-current transcript fee.
Graduation Fee
Upon your graduation Rochester University will provide various services including the rental of your graduation robe. This fee offsets the college’s costs for graduation.
Lab Fee
Students in some courses perform various laboratory experiments or require special software or equipment. This fee helps offset the cost of lab equipment and consumable items. See the syllabus to determine if a course has a lab fee.
Extra Handouts
When a course has an unusually large number of handouts, you will be charged a small fee for the materials to offset photocopying costs.
Payment Schedule
This section describes the payment deadlines for tuition and fees. From time to time students are unable to settle their account on time. We’ve found the following checklist to be useful to students who are trying to raise money for college:
1. Make sure you are paying your tithe. God has promised to bless you if you are faithful in tithing (cf. Malachi 3:10). If you a tithe, you can ask God to bless you financially.
Make sure you have completed the college’s financial aid application. You may qualify for Rochester University scholarship.
2. Look for any assets you may be able to sell. Some students find that they can trade in their vehicle for another, or sell unused stereo equipment, in order to raise money for college. During the spring term, check to see if you have a tax refund coming.
3. Contact friends, family, and your church. Many people are eager to help our students attend Bible College.
4. The cost of a college education should be considered an investment rather than a debt. Consider borrowing at least some of the money for college. Many banks will extend a loan secured by assets such as your vehicle. Note: Rochester University accepts both MasterCard and Visa.
If you choose to apply for a deferred payment plan, make sure you have a plan to make your payments. Note: If you are not a U.S. citizen, it is your responsibility to see what work, if any, you may legally perform while in the U.S.
Some students will find it necessary to work full-time during the summer, or over holiday breaks, in order to make their payments to the college. Many students who are willing to work 60 hours a week during the summer and 20 hours a week during the quarters find that they’re able to meet all of their obligations on time, even if they do not receive help from their church, family, or friends.