Reference Services
Books in this area contain specific factual information and are not usually read cover-to-cover. Information in a reference work, which may be single or multi-volume, is usually presented alphabetically or topically, often with thorough indexes at the end of the work and instructions for use at the beginning. The staff will gladly assist students in locating reference materials.
Using Reference Materials – What are reference materials?
Reference materials are books that can be used by itself as a source of information without use of a second source of information. (Although a reference book may refer or lead to another source information, which is not its main purpose.) Reference books usually include access components such as indexes that lead to information elsewhere in the book itself, rather than to other sources of information. In many cases, reference books cannot be used effectively without using access points included in the included in the reference book. It is therefore, important to look for indexes and other access keys in reference books. The library’s reference collection contains many books that will be useful in research. The librarians can help you identify and use the most useful of reference books such as Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Biographical Sources, Almanacs, Statistics, Specialized Encyclopedias, Chronologies, Atlases, Handbooks, Directories, and Compilations.
The library currently subscribes to a variety of periodicals, including professional and technical journals, newspapers and popular magazines, which support the college’s curricula and assignment. Current periodical issues are on display. Faculty is encouraged to work with the Library to develop assignments that will introduce students to the professional journals in their area of study. A list is also available in the library.
Periodicals are works which appear “periodically”, such as newspapers, magazines (“popular”) and journals (“scholarly”). Such sources will provide more up-to-date information than books.
Multi-media items available for use in the library include DVDs, VCR Cassettes, transparencies, audio-cassettes, slides, records, and other items. These are for use in the Library, and can be located like any other item through use of the OPAC card catalog. Please contact with the library staffs for assistance in finding these materials.
Equipment items are loaned to faculty for classroom use. An AV Materials Reservation Form is available for faculty use on the library web site. Faculty is encouraged to reserve equipment at least two days in advance. Please ask your campus librarian for additional information.