Special Library Services
Interlibrary loan is the process by which a library requests material from or provides material to another library. The purpose of interlibrary loan is to obtain material not available in the user’s local library.
Eligible Users
Interlibrary loan service is available to all current students, faculty, and staff. Guest borrowers and alumni should use interlibrary loan service available at their local public library or the academic library at their place of study.
Borrowing Restrictions
The library determined borrowing restrictions by the type of materials or any other conditions to allow circulation. Most books, magazine, and journal articles can be requested through interlibrary loan.
Copyright Issues
Copyright law limits the number of photocopied articles that can be borrowed through Inter Library Loan. Once we have reached our limit, we will inform you what the closest library owning that title is.
Initiating Requests
Borrowers are expected to check the Rochester Library catalog and periodical databases prior to initiating a request to make sure we do not already own or have access to the item. Submit an interlibrary loan form for each item requested. Give complete and accurate information. Turn in your form at the Circulation desk. Student requests are limited to 5 items per month. The length of time needed to obtain materials varies. Most items can be obtained in about 10 days. There are times when materials arrive earlier and times when it takes longer. Please plan accordingly.
Notification & Use of Items
When your interlibrary loan arrives, we will call you. You can pick up your item at the Circulation desk. The loan period and any restrictions are set by the lending library. The loan period is usually about 3 weeks. Photocopies of articles are yours to keep. Interlibrary loan items must be returned to the Circulation desk. Patrons are responsible for any damaged or lost materials. Abuse of interlibrary loan policies by any patron will result in suspension of all library privileges.
Renewals may or may not be granted, depending on the policy of the lending library. Renewal requests must be made at least four working days before the due date.
In general, there is no charge. We make every effort to borrow from the library that does not charge; however, there are cases when this is not possible. In this case, we will notify you of any charges before we process your request. You are responsible for all costs incurred.
Library Catalog
The Library catalog is available online, and will allow you to search for and find many books.
Books Requests
You can have books sent from the Library to one that is closer to your home by email or phone call to the library circulation desk. You will be charged for the postage or delivery fee.
Ask a Librarian
Have a question? This service is available to all Rochester students. You ask question in person, by phone, or by email.
Library Card
Your Student ID Card is your library card to borrow materials from the library. You will need to come by the library to get a barcode added ID Card.
The University Librarians offer Orientation Programs and Information Literacy Instruction for classes and individuals upon the request. Basic information about the library, general policies, the Library of Congress Classification system, copyright, plagiarism, research methods and the various services provided are discussed during this instructional sessions. Faculty members are asked to give a written notice to the librarian at least one week before the date for instruction.
Faculty may place items from the library collections on reserve, or offer items to be held on reserve for student use as related to a specific course. Faculty members should meet with the Campus Librarian to make any necessary arrangements.
Faculty members are encouraged to recommend items to be added to the collections. Forms to make such recommendations are available on the Rochester University Library website in the Personnel Handbook. All purchases made will be consistent with the college’s collection development/management policies.