Student Code of Conduct
Upon enrollment at Rochester University, each student must be familiar with student code of conduct that is stipulated in the student handbook. Such code of conduct includes but is not limited to accepting duties and responsibility, staying away from cheating, dishonesty, plagiarism, falsification, violence, theft, use of drugs, gambling, and alcohol, demonstrating a well-rounded personality and professional competence, demonstrating cultural sensitivity and strong ethical character, following code of conduct, and treating other people with fairness and respect. Each student must have the responsibility and obligation to exhibit honesty and integrity at all times in the pursuit of a professional education and to respect the ethical standards.
Violation of this Code of conduct may lead to dismissal and/or probation from the university. All disciplinary matters will come before the administration, which will review the complaint, interview the person(s) involved and make a determination of the action. Results may include: dismissal of the charge, dismissal of the student, probation or suspension for a specified period of time. The finding will become part of the student’s permanent file, possibly affecting a recommendation from Rochester University. The University reserves the right to dismiss any student for whom it feels continuation would be a detriment to the student, fellow students and/or the university. Any student in violation of any of student code of conduct shall be subject to redress.