Master of Divinity (3 years program – 128 units)
Program Description:
This program is designed to equip dedicated Christians for various ministries in the church setting, including the ordained ministries of instruction and leadership in the church. This program emphasizes developing the capacity to study and communicate the Christian scriptures and the theological traditions and the capacity to model and facilitate Christian spiritual formation and communal practices.
Program Requirements Summary:

Master of Divinity Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Master of Divinity degree program, students will have achieved the following learning outcomes.
- Students can compile advanced knowledge from the Bible to exegetical and theological skills.
- Students can recommend the spiritual disciplines described in Christian doctrine and as a reflection of the Christian lifestyle of faith and love.
- Students can evaluate knowledge of the biblical and historical foundations of Christian theology and practice.
- Students can systematically integrate historical theology into a larger biblical framework.
- Students can apply knowledge of the Church’s nature and mission and are able to organize a philosophy of ministry based on the Scripture.
- Students can incorporate leadership and practical skills centered upon worship, pastoral care, and church administration as well as preaching, reflecting and interpreting Christian doctrine.
Admission Requirements:
Anyone possessing a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent meets the basic academic requirement for admission to the program. See the section on admissions criteria, earlier in this catalog, for additional requirements.
Applicants must meet the following minimum requirements to be considered for admission to the Master of Divinity program:
1. Hold a Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree from a university or college
2. A completed application form
3. Application fee
4. Recommendation Form
Program Requirements
Students receive the Master of Divinity degree upon a successful fulfillment of the following program requirements: 48 units of Biblical Studies, 16 units of History, 28 units of practical theology including field ministry, and 36 units of electives in any category which makes up the total 128 units. A student may transfer up to 40 units toward his or her degree program.
Most Updated Academic Progress Chart – Download

Graduation Requirements:
1) Completion of 128 quarter units (up to 40 units may be transferred).
2) Completion of the course work with a GPA of 2.75 or above.
3) Demonstration of competence in Ministry Skills through coursework
4) Passing Exit interview